
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Hello Again

Shew! Having all-day "morning" sickness and keeping up with a 14-month old are kicking my booty!! It has been several weeks since I accomplished more than keeping Walker alive and laying on my couch. At first it really stressed me out to be out of commission, but the more time passes with piles of laundry and cereal for dinner, the more I'm okay with it. I am growing two humans after all, one on the inside and one on the outside, and I've got to say, one is currently not easier than the other. Thankfully I have super supportive men (who as you can see are thoroughly enjoying helping me grocery shop) and family and friends, and despite the nausea and exhaustion, these days are gold.

I have been participating in a 40-day prayer challenge with the women's ministry at my church. We are reading through "Draw the Circle" by Mark Batterson, and it's been life-changing to say the least. I have struggled for a long time to find the time and motivation to make prayer a priority, but after committing to and experiencing this challenge, I can't see how I ever survived without the peace and power of daily prayer. I am really excited to be starting another 40-day prayer challenge when this one is complete, this time in the form of a 40-day media fast with the purpose of dedicating the time and energy I spend blogging, Instagram-ing, Pinterest-ing, etc. to prayer. I am so ready to hear from the Lord during this time and to be strengthened and encouraged in the work He's given me to do.

We have taken a break from big house projects in order to focus more of our finances on our financial "baby step" number 3 - building an emergency fund. It's sobering and sanctifying for me to realize exactly how much of my money and time and even self worth are tied to the decor in my home. I all of a sudden feel as though I have nothing to do and no purpose to my day. Like, what?! I LOVE to decorate, and I don't think there is anything wrong with decorating; however, when the need to decorate replaces the initial reason of decorating, which for me would be to provide a warm, inviting home for my family and friends, I think it's a good indicator that a step back is in order. I'm looking forward to practicing contentment and enjoying the space we've been given as it is, unfinished though it may be.

This week was a huge milestone for us in pregnancy number 3. We finally got to hear our sweet baby's beautiful heartbeat and watch him or her bounce around like crazy on the screen. Everything looks healthy and right on track! We are so encouraged and so full of hope for this brand new little life. Nothing will replace the baby we lost, but what a healing process it is to experience another life forming in my belly. We are already so full of love and anticipation. It is so incredible the way the Lord's peace has overwhelmed me in the last couple of months. I have had my times of fear and doubt, but never without a gentle whisper from the Spirit that He held me then and is holding me now. Our God is so faithful.

Thanks for catching up with me. Hoping to keep current with updates as I get some of my energy back.



1 comment:

  1. Continue to seek God for strength and He will provide! Thanks for sharing!!
